Saturday, October 4, 2008

Day 4... Stormy Sky in San Diego

I wish it would actually rain!!


Jenni said...

Great shot! I love stormy skies, but I agree I sure wish it would of rained here today!

Anonymous said...


Jennifer said...

All your rain are belong to us.

cathy said...

Beautiful. I love stormy skies. They've got such a great moodiness to them.

jae said...

I hate it when it looks like that and doesn't rain. It's like having sex when you're coked up and can't come.

HEHEHEHE or something.

Jess said...

Ooooo! I love this shot! Now, did it actually rain?

Alicia said...

Um, yeah, what Jae said. Or something.

Like I said on someone else's blog, I love purplish sky, simply because it goes against the traditional "the sky is blue" mentality.