Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Day 7....Self portrait...walking


Jess said...

Hello cutie!

Jenni said...

Cool photo, it almost looks like something out of Blair Witch though!

leaner said...

This is a little Blair Witch... but I like it!

Anonymous said...

It kind of brings out a fight or flight instinct in me because it looks like you think someone's following you..

Annita said...

I agree! Where's the snot?

Kate said...

Oooo. Cool one.

Its kind of its own optical illusion if you force yourself to ignore the iris...it looks like white eyes. Freaky.

jae said...

*using my best baby voice* WHO'S that lil cutey-wooty? Who is it? Who is it?! Is that Manda Panda? Oh it IS! Oh you're so cute. Yes you are.

Unknown said...

You know who's hiding around that dark corner? It's ME. Yes, that's right. Watch out.